With the exception of emergencies that can be handled exclusively by the 118 Operations Center, for other "ordinary" transports it is possible to contact our association directly.
For Emergency never call the Associations,
but the number 118;
only the Operations Center
can know the availability of the vehicles on shift at that moment and authorize them to intervene.
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Photo By: John Doe
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Not sure which is the most suitable means of transport?
Do you think that the patient's pathology or its severity could preclude the transfer?
Ask us.
Call 800926223 our dedicated staff will give you detailed information on how to organize the transfer according to your needs, or send an email to coordination@icareonlus.com to request a free quote.
Offered services:
The Voluntary Association I-Care Onlus carries out transport services for the sick, the sick, the injured and the alienated. Ambulance transport of patients in Italy and abroad: The service is in some way complementary to that of ambulances but is carried out with decidedly higher standards of safety, hygiene and comfort both for the patient and for the companion and in the case of ambulances he often finds himself traveling seated in unsafe and decidedly uncomfortable positions. The types are: Discharge of patients from hospitals or nursing homes at home; Transfer from one health facility to another for continuation of therapies; Transportation of patients in the Day Hospital regime; Transportation of cancer patients for consultations and therapies; Transportation of patients for consultations from home to hospital; Transportation of patients for scheduled hospitalizations; Dialysis transportation, a service that allows patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment to make use of means of transport and personnel specialized in the type of service. Medical repatriation for those who are abroad. These important services are carried out with: Qualified personnel for personal rescue; Means of absolute comfort for both the patient and the companion; High standard of hygiene; Possibility of being accompanied in transport by medical personnel or professional nurses; Professional drivers .
All our ambulances are equipped with:
Ample space in the ambulance cockpit Air-conditioned system Modern and advanced equipment Self-loading stretcher with comfortable mattress Sedan chair for ambulatory patients Professional assistance and adequate to the needs Preparation of the ambulance as a rescue vehicle
Ambulance (MSB) for the transport of non-critical patients
Ambulance which is used as a means of rescue and transport, equipped with medical and electro-medical devices for the basic use of vital functions; for example the defibrillator and oxygen.
On board this type of vehicle, rescuers are able to manage the first minutes of any emergency.
Ambulance (MSA) with nurse and doctor on board
If an advanced rescue vehicle is used for a long ambulance transfer, the crew is made up of health workers such as the nurse and / or doctor, who can in turn be specialized or not (Cardiologist, Reanimator, Pediatrician, etc. .).
The advantages of our Association is to use professionals for long-distance ambulance trips.
All the staff working in the ambulance service attended training courses always ready to intervene effectively on every occasion.